The history of a Hand Pan has only just begun. It was created in 2001, at the border of the new millennium, by Felix Roner and Sabine Schorer in Switzerland. Having invented such a complex musical instrument, the founders of the original Hand Pan brand did not seem to be ready for such a popularity, and the purchase of the original Hand Pan until 2014 was quite a challenge. In recent years, while the masters were still taking orders, to buy a Hand Pan it was necessary to write a letter manually and wait a turn (sometimes for several years), and when ready to come personally for a Hand Pan in Switzerland.
After 2014, the production of Swiss instruments closed. But this has not diminished the intention of many inspired people to acquire their own space tool.
Therefore, other workshops began to emerge around the world. A special sound is born in each of them, masters experiment with sound, metal, improve production techniques, adding vision and energy to each created Hand Pan.
Now, as from the beginning, the production of Hand Pans is not massive and that is why the instrument retains its uniqueness, because there are not many of them worldwide.
There are about three Hand Pan masters in Ukraine.